Thursday, May 26, 2011

Of This, I Am Sure...

Here I go with the lists again. I can't help it, I like my thoughts organized. Most aspects of my life are a little chaotic (hey, you try being a single parent while working at an inner city hospital and see how un-chaotic you remain!!).

I post on a private message board and there's a common thread that we start every once in a while called "I Wonder." We write out our own personal list of unanswerable or rhetorical questions like, "I wonder why sweet potato fries aren't healthy" and "I wonder why I can't wear jeans to an interview."

You get the point, right?

I was thinking that perhaps it might work in a more positive way to list the things that I know for sure, not just what I wonder about. So, here it goes:

*I'm a good mother...

*I would be a better ex-wife if Ex deserved it...

*A nice cup of coffee is the BEST way to start a day...

*My family will always be weird and nutty, but they'll always love me...

*Having a lot of money and stuff is not the way to live life to the fullest...Most middle class people I know are a hell of a lot happier than the wealthier people I know...

*Having a child is not a reason to lost one's sense of humor, but it is a reason to get silly as often as you can and to rediscover the joys of your own childhood...

*Facebook and Twitter are not real life, but they can help you connect with real people...

*Staying out of the sun really makes you look better in the long run...

*Wearing clothes that fit will make you look infinitely better than wearing clothes that are too tight. Being a size 12 and wearing a size 8 just makes you look like an overstuffed sofa and you aren't fooling anyone...

*High heels will never feel like sneakers and are never comfortable...I don't care what anyone says...

*Martha Stewart is psychotic and no one should ever try to be like her. I run from people who think she's an authority on homemaking or cooking...

*Your friends will show up when it's time to celebrate...your TRUE friends will show up when you have surgery, and when a loved one dies, and will help you get home when you've had too much to drink, and they will tell the truth when you ask them if your ass looks big in a certain pair of pants...

Of what are you 100% sure?

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