I wrapped all the prezzies last Sunday but forgot a bag of stocking stuffers I bought in October. I had the bag stashed behind the chair in my bedroom (so FRU wouldn't find it). So, when FRU is with her father on Sunday, guess what I'll be doing? That's right, folks...wrapping stocking stuffers that should have gotten wrapped last Sunday...that's what I get for trying to be efficient.
On Monday just past, I realized I had forgotten to purchase gifts for FRU's teacher and for her babysitter...so between the workout at the gym and going to my Al-Anon meeting, I did some shopping. What do you get to show appreciation for the people who taught your child to read and who sits with our child while you go get your head together at an Al-Anon Meeting? It's hard to show appreciation to those who you aren't related to or friends with, but these are two very important people in FRU's life.
I really do love gift giving. I like watching people's faces when they open prezzies. I like buying things that people wouldn't buy for themselves. For my mother's birthday, I got her a gift certificate for a mani/pedi. That's something she definitely wouldn't have done for herself and really appreciated it.
The only one who ever really got me gifts I wanted (after I entered adulthood) was my mom. When I was a kid, my grandmothers and my aunts got me some great things...a popcorn maker, a nameplate necklace, roller skates (complete with coordinating pom-poms), a TV (Grandma hit the slots in Atlantic City big time one November and we all had a good Christmas that year) and the creme de la creme...my dog, Terry...he was a wire fox terrier that I got the Christmas I was 11. He was the greatest dog that ever lived. Really, no exaggeration...
Mom thinks about me and my likes and dislikes and buys me books, jewelry, and clothing that I really like.
Ex bought me terrible gifts. It's like he didn't think about me or what I liked or what I wanted. The only time he ever bought me anything I liked is when I told him EXACTLY what to get me. So now that I think about it, that means, that in 10 years, all I got that I like was my engagement ring and my hugs & kisses bracelet.
I better steer myself away from that topic, otherwise I could be here all afternoon griping!!
This year, we wholeheartedly accepted an invitation to my cousin ML's house for Christmas Day. I adore this cousin. ML is about 5 years older than I am, and since she was the youngest in her family, she always treated me like the bratty kid sister. I haven't seem her in a while, but we always laugh and carry on when we're together. I also try to help her out in the kitchen. She's famous for setting out this HUGE spread with entirely too much food, but it's all delicious and we all get goody bags to take home.
After an hour or two, I'll take FRU over to Ex at his sister's house so she can spend time with his family. I want her to spend time with as many family members as possible. Even though Ex and I aren't married anymore, she's still part of 2 families. I mean, heck, I had to deal with 2 sets of crazy people, why shouldn't she? Seriously, I want her to love all of her family. And there's bound to be plenty of food at my former SIL's house. She cooks like ML!!!
So, to end what will probably be my last blog before Christmas, I'll give you the secret to dealing with crazy people to whom you are related. Don't take anything they say too seriously, remember that you probably won't all be together again until at least 4th of July weekend...and that these crazy people are the reason egg nog is an alcoholic beverage!!!
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